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F. E. Clark

A million tiny white hearts 

in the gloaming 

winter sky—secrets

on the iridescent black

feathers of starlings, 

flying in time 

to a beat of their own.

F. E. Clark lives in Scotland. She writes, paints, and takes photographs—inspired by nature in all its forms. With a story on the best fifty British and Irish Flash Fiction 2019-2020 list, she is a Pushcart, Best of the Net, and Best Small Fictions nominee. Her poetry, flash-fiction, and short stories can be found in anthologies and literary magazines, including: 404 Ink, Matchbook, Retreat West, Cheap Pop, Poems for All, SNACK Magazine, Molotov Cocktail, The Wild Hunt, Spelk, Bending Genres, Kissing Dynamite. More details can be found on her website,, and she tweets intermittently at @feclarkart.

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